Monday, June 24, 2013

Carburetion operation...

On our last project we rebuilt the carbs last. If you have ever rebuilt a bank of four carbs you will understand why we will be starting with this bit first.

Pretty gnarly in the float bowls.

Mostly torn down. Float pivot dowels are stuck. Soaking on PB. I'll try some heat tomorrow. 

Broke part of the main jet stand off the #4 carb. Bummer. Not sure if its a lost cause or maybe JB weld the jet in and call it bueno!!

2 minutes or less with a soda blast and that bowl looks awesome!

Yummy carburator stew! Boiled them for 20 minutes.
Heated up the float pivot dowels and braced the post on a support and tapped them out with a punch and hammer.

Bagged and Taged: Ready for a good bath and polish followed reassembly with new bass and rubber.

Clean enough for the kitchen counter.

15 minutes with a soda blaster! Wow you gotta try this. Just get a cheap portable sandblaster with the hopper on top. fill it with baking soda and clean those parts...

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